Hi All,
This is about how to send more than 10 E-mails. As we know we have a governor limit of sending 10 emails in a process so this is a workaround to send more than E-mails. We can do this by using batch class.
Lets say we have to send all System Administrators details of case logged by them today in a particular format. If suppose we have 15 System Administrators in our organisation, all of them logged 2-3 cases in a day and in the end of the day we want to send the details of case logged only by them in an Email. So here is the code :
global class Batch_CaseEmail implements Database.Batchable<sObject>,Database.Stateful
Map<Id , List<Case>> userCaseMap {get; set;}
List<Case> allCaseLoggedToday {get; set;}
global Batch_CaseEmail()
//Map to maintain user id and cases logged by them today
userCaseMap = new Map<Id, List<Case>>() ;
//All sales rep (System admins)
List<User> salesRep = new List<User>() ;
salesRep = [select id , name , Email , ManagerId from User where Profile.Name = 'System Administrator'] ;
//All sales rep ids
List<Id> salesIds = new List<Id>() ;
for(User ur : salesRep)
salesIds.add(ur.Id) ;
//All cases logged today by sales rep
allCaseLoggedToday = new List<Case>() ;
allCaseLoggedToday = [select Id, CaseNumber,CreatedById, Owner.name , account.Name , contact.name from Case where CreatedDate = TODAY AND CreatedById in : salesIds] ;
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC)
//Creating map of user id with cases logged today by them
for(Case c : allCaseLoggedToday)
//Fetch the list of case and add the new case in it
List<Case> tempList = userCaseMap.get(c.CreatedById) ;
//Putting the refreshed case list in map
userCaseMap.put(c.CreatedById , tempList) ;
//Creating a list of case and outting it in map
userCaseMap.put(c.CreatedById , new List<Case>{c}) ;
//Batch on all system admins (sales rep)
String query = 'select id , name , Email from User where Profile.Name = \'System Administrator\'';
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope)
for(Sobject s : scope)
//Type cast sObject in user object
User ur = (User)s ;
//If system admin has logged any case today then only mail will be sent
//Fetching all cases logged by sys admin
List<Case> allCasesOfSalesRep = userCaseMap.get(ur.Id) ;
String body = '' ;
//Creating tabular format for the case details
body = BodyFormat(allCasesOfSalesRep) ;
//Sending Mail
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage() ;
//Setting user email in to address
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {ur.Email} ;
// Assign the addresses for the To and CC lists to the mail object
mail.setToAddresses(toAddresses) ;
//Email subject to be changed
mail.setSubject('New Case Logged');
//Body of email
mail.setHtmlBody('Hi ' + ur.Name + ',<br/><br/> Details of Cases logged today is as follows : <br/><br/>' + body + '<br/> Thanks');
//Sending the email
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
public String BodyFormat(List<Case> lst)
String str = '' ;
for(Case cs : lst)
str += '<tr><td>'+ cs.CaseNumber +'</td>'+'<td>'+ cs.Owner.Name +'</td>'+'<td>'+ cs.Account.Name +'</td>'+'<td>'+ cs.Contact.Name +'</td>'+'</tr>' ;
str = str.replace('null' , '') ;
String finalStr = '' ;
finalStr = '<table border="1"> <td> CaseNumber </td> <td> Owner </td> <td> Account </td> <td> Contact </td> '+ str +'</table>' ;
return finalStr ;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC)
Now to execute this batch class we can schedule it or simply run this code in system logs for testing :
Batch_CaseEmail controller = new Batch_CaseEmail() ;
Integer batchSize = 1;
database.executebatch(controller , batchSize);
So when we execute it all system administrators will get E-mails in this format