Jul 30, 2012

Is There Better Way To Get Last Date Of Fiscal Quarter?

Recently it was requested to get the "Last Date" of present Fiscal Quarter. For e.g. if "Fiscal Year Start Month" is set to January (Setup > Administration Setup > Company Profile > Fiscal Year) and present month is Feb then date returned should be "31 March 2012"

SOQL is not the option as in the end I need to get the Date so after lot of brain storming end up with this solution, if this is not the best solution then other solutions suggestions are most welcomed.

So here is my apex method which returns me the last date of present fiscal quarter

//Returns last date of present fiscal quarter
public Date LastDateofCurrentFQ()
        // Info : There are 4 Fiscal Quarter FQ( each of 3 months) in fiscal year 
        Organization  org = new Organization() ;
        org = [select FiscalYearStartMonth from Organization where id=:Userinfo.getOrganizationId()];
        Integer FiscalYearStartMonthIndex = org.FiscalYearStartMonth ; 

        // Month Index like january : 1 , february: 2 and so on 
        Integer CurrentMonthIndex = system.today().month();

        if(CurrentMonthIndex < FiscalYearStartMonthIndex )
            CurrentMonthIndex  = 12+ CurrentMonthIndex ;

        Integer DifferenceofBothMonths = CurrentMonthIndex - FiscalYearStartMonthIndex  ;
        Integer CurrentFiscalQuarterLastMonth  = 0; 

 if(0 < = DifferenceofBothMonths && DifferenceofBothMonths <= 2 ) //For first quarter
            CurrentFiscalQuarterLastMonth = FiscalYearStartMonthIndex  +2 ; 
        else if( 3 <= DifferenceofBothMonths && DifferenceofBothMonths <= 5) //For second quarter 
            CurrentFiscalQuarterLastMonth = FiscalYearStartMonthIndex  +5 ;
        else if( 6 <= DifferenceofBothMonths && DifferenceofBothMonths <= 8) // For third quarter
            CurrentFiscalQuarterLastMonth = FiscalYearStartMonthIndex  +8 ;
        else if( 9 <= DifferenceofBothMonths && DifferenceofBothMonths <= 11) // For fourth quarter
            CurrentFiscalQuarterLastMonth = FiscalYearStartMonthIndex  +11 ;

        if(CurrentFiscalQuarterLastMonth > 12)
            CurrentFiscalQuarterLastMonth  = CurrentFiscalQuarterLastMonth  - 12 ;         

        Date firstDateOFyear = date.newInstance(system.today().year(), 1, 1);
        Date LastDateofCurrentFQ  = date.newInstance(system.today().year(), 1, 1); 
        LastDateofCurrentFQ   = firstDateOFyear.addMonths(CurrentFiscalQuarterLastMonth).addDays(-1) ;
        return LastDateofCurrentFQ ;        

Code is self explanatory, still if anything is not clear do reach me out.

New Delhi Salesforce Platform Developer User Group Meetup — My Experience

My experience from inaugural Salesforce Platform Developer User Group Meetup held in Noida (New Delhi) - on SFDC blogs:


Will be organizing Salesforce Platform User Group in Jaipur, please join LinkedIn group for more updates.


Jul 27, 2012

Please Remove The System Objects From My sObject List

Question is "Can I remove the system objects from list returned by describe?"

I need to identify on which all objects I can create approval process. First and only thought is to use describe and get the list of sObjects, but the problem is describe returns too many other objects on which we can not create approval process like "campaignfeed", "caseteamrole" etc.. So what is the use of showing them all. Why not we can show the list of only those object which are displayed when we create approval from native UI?

Here is the solution for this big time problem. Use this apex code to get the sObject List (use describe in a smart way)

public class ApprovalEnabledObjectsController
    //List displayed on UI
    public List<selectoption> supportedObject {get; set;}
    public ApprovalEnabledObjectsController()
        supportedObject = new List<selectoption>() ;
        //Get only reference to objects
        for(Schema.SObjectType item : ProcessInstance.TargetObjectId.getDescribe().getReferenceTo())
            //Excluding custom setting objects
                //Adding to list
                supportedObject.add(new SelectOption(item.getDescribe().getLocalName().toLowerCase() , item.getDescribe().getLabel() ));

Visualforce Page (Test page to show the picklsit)


Special thanks to Amit Jain who helped me with this :-)