Aug 26, 2015

Summer Of Trailhead - Jaipur Salesforce Developer Group

We've recently hosted an event which is organized by Salesforce globally and it was all about "Trailhead". First of all thank you so much everyone who attended the meeting and make it a big success. This time we've received maximum number of attendees ever in Jaipur DUG history. Yes! over 90 people attended and with full enthusiasm.

Those who were not able to attend here is the glance of what you've missed.

At the beginning we've organized a hands-on session on Trailhead where Gaurav Kheterpal explained how to get started and then all were supposed to complete one full trail.

Trust me many of them have done that in 15-20 mins.

It was time to award them :-)

After that Durgesh Dhoot done a fantastic job by demoing some awesome tools on SF which is very helpful to every developer. Here is the slidedeck from where you can get the links and take benefit out of it.

Followed by Abhinav Gupta who shared his experience using trailhead. It's not only for the developers to get started, but also helpful for the companies who are recruiting freshers and Trailhead can be used in interview process as well.

It was really a second perspective of looking at trailhead.

We then ended up having lunch along with beer :-)

Now we are again organizing an event where Salesforce is going to reveal something big, for which we are all waiting for. If you want to join us please click her and register yourself. It will be more awesome as it a late night event.

Stay tuned here for more updates on user group.