Jun 30, 2014

Summer 14 Release - Developer Must Know These

So Summer 14 release is almost there and in few more days it will be in our organizations. So are we ready to us the new features/changes?

Let's go through some points which a developer must know, to write Apex/VFP in better way. 

List is as follows :

1) Attach upto 25 MB of files now with objects, earlier it was 5 MB. But, attachment limits in Salesforce Knowledge remain unchanged. So go on and use large data files.

2) Limits for all Apex describe calls have been removed for all API versions. Describe calls include describes for sObjects, fields, field sets, child relationships, picklists, and record types. In other words say no to, ONLY? 100 fields or fieldsets or objects. Yes now we are free :-)

Will these be now needed?

- getLimitChildRelationshipsDescribes()
- getLimitFieldsDescribes()
- getLimitFieldSetsDescribes()
- getLimitPicklistDescribes()
- getLimitRecordTypesDescribes()

3) The Limits methods for script statements have been removed but are available and deprecated in API version 30.0 and earlier. Because the script statement limit is no longer enforced in any API version since Winter ’14, the associated Limits methods are no longer needed. Now no need of getScriptStatements() and getLimitScriptStatements()

4) Now you can create price book entries for standard and custom price books in Apex tests. Previously we were not able to create price book entries and for that we've to use @isTest(seeAllData = true) annotation. So now we can create custom pricebook along with the pricebook entries in test classes itself. Now we can

- Query for the ID of the standard price book in organization with the Test.getStandardPricebookId() method.
- Create test price book entries with standard prices by using the standard price book ID that’s returned by Test.getStandardPricebookId().
- Create test custom price books, which enables you to add price book entries with custom prices.

5) Run future methods with higher limits, unbelievable isn't it? But currently it's in pilot. By this we can avoid reaching governor limits and we can double or triple the capacity of resources like for heap size we can write this @future(limits='2xHeap'), for SOQL @future(limits='2xSOQL') and so on. Fascinating isn't it, eagerly waiting for this to be implemented completely.

6) Chatter in apex. Lot of stuff in this, and difficult to summarize it here would recommend to read release notes.

7) API request in developer edition was 5,000 and now it's raised to 15,000. So now we can do some real time testing along with development.

Lot of stuff to be improved in current code and am on it, are you?